Although we have only recently come to realize how numerous these visual areas are, we are already building up knowledge about the connections and single-cell physiology of some of them. Just as area 17 is a mosaic of two sets of regions, blob and nonblob, so the next visual area, area 18 or visual area 2, is a mosaic of three sets. Unlike the blobs and interblobs, which formed islands in an ocean, the mosaic in area 18 takes the form of parallel stripes. In these subdivisions we find a striking segregation of function. In the set of thick stripes, most of the cells are highly sensitive to the relative horizontal positions of the stimuli in the two eyes, as described in Chapter 7; we therefore conclude that this thick-stripe subdivision is concerned at least in part with stereopsis. In the second set, the thin stripes, cells lack orientation selectivity and often show specific color responses. In the third set, the pale stripes, cells are orientation selective and most are end stopped. Thus the three sets of subdivisions that make up area 18 seem to be concerned with stereopsis, color, and form. A similar division of labor occurs in the areas beyond area 18, but now entire areas seem to be given over to one or perhaps two visual functions. An area called MT (for middle temporal gyrus) is devoted to movement and stereopsis; one called V 4 (V for visual) seems to be concerned mainly with color. We can thus discern two processes that go hand in hand. The first is hierarchical. To solve the various problems in vision outlined in previous chapters--color, stereopsis, movement, form--information is operated upon in one area after the next, with progressive abstraction and increasing complexity of representation. The second process consists of a divergence of pathways. Apparently the problems require such different strategies and hardware that it becomes more efficient to handle them in entirely separate channels. This surprising tendency for attributes such as form, color, and movement to be handled by separate structures in the brain immediately raises the question of how all the information is finally assembled, say for perceiving a bouncing red ball. It obviously must be assembled somewhere, if only at the motor nerves that subserve the action of catching. Where it's assembled, and how, we have no idea.